Python Enumeration Aliases

Jun 26, 2021 12:30 ยท 777 words ยท 4 minute read

Example ๐Ÿ”—

Imagine we would like to store a mapping between animals and their corresponding animal classes inside an enumeration. We start by defining an animal class enum:

>>> from enum import Enum
>>> class AnimalClass(Enum):
...    MAMMAL = 1
...    BIRD = 2
...    REPTILE = 3

We then define our animal enum:

>>> class Animal(Enum):
...    MAGPIE = AnimalClass.BIRD
...    SQUIRREL = AnimalClass.MAMMAL
...    OPOSSUM = AnimalClass.MAMMAL

However, if we try to compare members of the Animal enum, the behaviour may be somewhat unintuitive:

>>> Animal.MAGPIE is Animal.OPOSSUM
>>> Animal.SQUIRREL is Animal.OPOSSUM

Enum members are compared by identity, and as both SQUIRREL and OPOSSUM have the same value, they evaluate as equal.

Comparisons ๐Ÿ”—

Let’s examine the enum comparison behaviour further by taking another simple example:

>>> class MyEnum(Enum):
...     FOO = 1
...     BAR = 2
>>> MyEnum.FOO.value == MyEnum.BAR.value
>>> MyEnum.FOO is MyEnum.BAR

So far so good. The values are different, hence identity comparison between members with different values evaluates to False.

Let’s add another member to the enumeration, but give it the same value:

>>> class MyEnum(Enum):
...     FOO = 1
...     BAR = 2
...     BAZ = 2
>>> MyEnum.BAR.value == MyEnum.BAZ.value
>>> MyEnum.BAR is MyEnum.BAZ

As the values of the enumeration members are the same, the members themselves evaluate as equal! The BAZ member is internally considered an alias of BAZ.

In fact, if we try to convert the enumeration to a list, BAZ is not present in the result:

>>> list(MyEnum)
[<MyEnum.FOO: 1>, <MyEnum.BAR: 2>]

Note: We can disallow defining enumerations with duplicate values by using the @unique decorator

What about comparing enumeration members with their own values?

>>> MyEnum.BAR.value == 2
>>> MyEnum.BAR is 2
>>> MyEnum.BAR == 2

Although we can compare the values directly, comparing members and their values evaluates to False.

One way to avoid issues with comparisons, is to use automatic values:

>>> from enum import Enum, auto
>>> class MyEnum(Enum):
...     FOO = auto()
...     BAR = auto()
...     BAZ = auto()
>>> MyEnum.BAR.value == MyEnum.BAZ.value
>>> MyEnum.BAR is MyEnum.BAZ

This ensures all values are different, but means we can no longer store anything useful as a value. In some cases (as in the original example) we may want to keep the values around rather than replace them with auto(). If some of the values are the same, the identity comparison behaviour described above may not be what we want.

There is a way to work around this by storing the value as extra attribute on an enumeration.

Extra Attributes ๐Ÿ”—

Python supports adding extra attributes to an enumeration by overriding the __new__ method:

>>> class MyEnum(Enum):
...    FOO = 1, 'a'
...    BAR = 2, 'b'
...    BAZ = 3, 'b'
...    def __new__(cls, value, extra):
...        obj = object.__new__(cls)
...        obj._value_ = value
...        obj.extra = extra
...        return obj

We can then access the new attribute on any member:

>>> MyEnum.FOO.value
>>> MyEnum.FOO.extra

This allows distinct enum members to share the same attribute value.

>>> MyEnum.BAR.extra == MyEnum.BAZ.extra
>>> MyEnum.BAR.value == MyEnum.BAZ.value
>>> MyEnum.BAR is MyEnum.BAZ
>>> MyEnum.BAR == MyEnum.BAZ

Hence, we can now store a mapping inside an enumeration with members sharing the same attribute value, but also ensure they do not evaluate as equal.

Fixing the Example ๐Ÿ”—

We start by defining our AnimalClass enumeration again (this time using auto()):

>>> class AnimalClass(Enum):
...    MAMMAL = auto()
...    BIRD = auto()
...    REPTILE = auto()

We then define our Animal enum, but this time we override __new__ and store the animal class as an extra attribute:

>>> class Animal(Enum):
...     def __new__(cls, value, animal_class):
...         obj = object.__new__(cls)
...         obj._value_ = value
...         obj.animal_class = animal_class
...         return obj
...     MAGPIE = (auto(), AnimalClass.BIRD)
...     SQUIRREL = (auto(), AnimalClass.MAMMAL)
...     OPOSSUM = (auto(), AnimalClass.MAMMAL)

This gives us the behaviour we want, where the enumeration members do not evaluate as equal, although the animal class they belong to is the same:

>>> Animal.SQUIRREL is Animal.OPOSSUM
>>> Animal.SQUIRREL.animal_class == Animal.OPOSSUM.animal_class

Disclaimer ๐Ÿ”—

Although the enumeration now behaves how we want, the readability of the code has been significantly reduced. Someone who is not familiar with these enumeration tricks will find it difficult to decipher what the fixed example does, and will likely be inclined to convert it to a simple enum, potentially introducing bugs in the process.

Caution must be taken when introducing a complicated piece of code to a codebase.

Another Approach ๐Ÿ”—

The hacks above can be avoided by using the aenum library and adding a NoAlias flag to your enumerations.

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